五月色图 雅想词汇剖释(95)| 告白|白话|张悦|新航说念|adj|告白语

发布日期:2024-09-05 19:19    点击次数:189

五月色图 雅想词汇剖释(95)| 告白|白话|张悦|新航说念|adj|告白语


July 13, 2024

2雅想词汇剖释 | | 栏目推送阐扬





1. manipulate /mə'nɪpjʊleɪt/


Endorsing certain lifestyle choices, celebrities can manipulate fans into adopting similar behaviors and values.

补充:endorse 代言

如白话话题: Does advertising encourage us to buy things we don't need?

To some extent, advertising does manipulate people by creating a sense of urgency and scarcity, encouraging impulsive purchases.

Ads manipulate people by using celebrity endorsements to make products appear more trustworthy and desirable.

补充:impulsive purchases 冲动耗尽

celebrity endorsement 明星代言

2. deceptive /dɪ'septɪv/

adj. 运用性的;形成假象的

e.g. Appearances can be deceptive.

e.g. Special offers from travel agencies can be deceptive, often including hidden fees.

如:describe an advertisement you dislike:

The TV commercial managed to glamorize its products while downplaying the potential health risks, which is deceptive.

补充:TV commercial 电视告白

glamorize v.好意思化

downplay v. 淡化;看轻;抑制

n. deception 运用;上圈套


e.g. She practiced deception on her unsuspecting clients.

unsuspecting adj.不知情的;不解真相的

3. catchphrase /ˈkætʃˌfreɪz/

n. 醒指标容易记着的告白语

e.g. Catchphrases are designed to be easy to recall and often encapsulate the brand's core message or value proposition.

e.g. Whenever he felt unmotivated, he reminded himself of Nike's inspiring catchphrase, "Just Do It."

补充:encapsulate v. 抽象;概述

近义补充:jingle n.告白语

e.g. He couldn't help but think of McDonald's every time he heard their catchy jingle, "I'm Lovin' It.

4. viral /'vaɪr(ə)l/

adj. 病毒性的;病毒引起的

搭配:go viral 走红;闲居传播

e.g. The video of the puppy learning to swim went viral overnight, capturing millions of views and shares.

e.g. The public service advertisement, featuring a heartwarming narrative, went viral overnight, encouraging millions of views to contemplate the true meaning of happiness in life.

补充:Public service advertisement 公益告白

heartwarming adj. 感东说念主的


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